Central Congregational UCC, Atlanta

Open. Progressive. Christian.

Did you know: Pastoral Care & Spiritual Direction — June 1, 2015

Did you know: Pastoral Care & Spiritual Direction

Revs Michael, Ginnie, Lacey and Sally are available for pastoral care and spiritual direction, as you have need. Pastoral care can take many forms (active listening, prayer, ritual, etc.) and is about helping you be aware of “Presence” in your life—a reminder that “you are not alone” and that you belong to a community. Spiritual direction, similar but different than “counseling,” can be a longer relationship that supports a specific portion of your spiritual journey.

We always strive to provide the type of care specific to the individual (not everyone needs or wants the “same” in similar situations); as ever, simply informing us of what you need will help us in our attempts to provide support. It is almost always true that the “fastest and best” way to reach us is via email (appointments and schedules can keep us away from our office phone for several days); our mobile numbers are printed in the directory and members are invited to make respectful use of them (call or even text). It is often difficult for us to schedule appointments in the “receiving line” on Sundays (and can be hard to remember all the conversations we had in that forum); again, an emailed appointment request is very helpful.

Additionally, we are attentive to the “Pastoral Care Emergency Phone” [(678) 672-7637]; if we miss your call, please always leave a message and someone will respond ASAP. For ongoing spiritual direction, please contact Rev. Sally. Any of the clergy can help you with a referral for counseling, if you need. If you would like the blessing of the community for any reason (you don’t have to be moving away), please contact the preacher for the day (or simply email the office). We are happy to make home, hospital or other “off campus” visits.

Summer Spiritual Offerings —

Summer Spiritual Offerings


To read Rev. Michael’s article on “Spiritual Formation” and other blog posts this summer, visit: http://www.whereheartandmindmeet.com

Tuesday, June 9: Atlanta Braves vs. San Diego Padres 7:00pm. Rev. Lacey has bought tickets for those who RSVP’d in the last few weeks. If you would still like to join us- please buy your own ticket and we will meet you there! We will be sitting in Terrace View 223.

Tuesdays, June 16, July 21 & Aug18: Table Talk 6:30pm to 8:30 @ the Harrisons’. Table Talk will continue to meet all summer! This “gathering” (not a “group”) consists of whoever “shows up;” sometimes we all fit around one table, often we are at two. We share a meal (there’s always plenty of food), but the open and safe discussion is what nourishes us deeply. Bring your questions and theological musings (and a dish to share, if you are able). Contact Rev. Michael for more information.

Tuesday, June 23: Introduction to Mindfulness 6:30pm to 8:00.  The simplest definition of “mindfulness” is “being present, right in this moment.” The rest is a long-term training of the heart-mind. Rev. Michael will lead a short introduction to three basic mindfulness practices: centered breathing (pranayama), centering prayer (mantra), and mindful self-observation (journaling). For more information/RSVP: Rev. Michael; $10 suggested donation (donations help to provide supplies for other activities).

Tuesday, June 30: Mindful Eye (Ikebana) 6:30pm to 8:00 While an “Ikebana master” would likely take issue with the use of the word, this workshop will bring a mindful eye to the collection and arrangement of materials into a floral/environmental display. We will take a mindfulness walk on campus, gather elements, and make our arrangement. For more information on what to bring/RSVP: Rev. Michael; $10 suggested donation (donations help to provide supplies for other activities).

Tuesday, July 7 Mindfully Still (Restorative Yoga) 6:30pm to 8:00 This meditative evening is a supported practice of stillness (not movement); no yoga experience is necessary. The sequence will be “on the floor” with blankets and bolsters; participants will be invited to “rest and release.” For more information or to RSVP: Rev. Michael; $10 suggested donation (donations help to provide supplies for other activities). Tuesday, August 14: Soap Making at Central 6:30pm-8:00 Join us for a family fun event of soap making, hosted by Bob Watson. This will be a great time to relax, learn something new, and fellowship with others. For more information or to RSVP: Rev. Michael; $10 suggested donation (donations help to provide supplies for other activities).

Tuesday, August 11 Soap Making with Bob Watson. 6:30pm- 8:00pm

Sacred Journeys Sundays, 9:30-10:45am (Library, Fellowship Hall) — May 27, 2015
PRACTICAL THEOLOGY: Sundays, 9:30 – 10:45 (Room 206) —

PRACTICAL THEOLOGY: Sundays, 9:30 – 10:45 (Room 206)

Practical Theology: A Just Peace Covenant Community Class studies, explores and takes action on current issues. The class shares leadership and begins each class with “How was your week?” and a short devotional. All are welcome.     Our new study — A CALL TO ACTION: Women, Religion, Violence and Power by Jimmy Carter.  This book is available in hardback, paperback and eBook.

Sunday, June 14 Study:  A CALL TO ACTION:  Women, Religion, Violence and Power by Jimmy Carter.

Lesson:  Chapter 5, “Sexual Assault and Rape”

                        Leader:  Bill O’Steen

                        Devotional:  Jackie

Sunday, June21:

Lesson:  Chapter 6, “Violence and War”


Annual Meeting of the Southeast Conference June 12-13 — May 5, 2015

Annual Meeting of the Southeast Conference June 12-13

We will gather once again at Piedmont College for the 49th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Conference. This year we focus our attention on the building of God’s house as we do the ministries of the Conference. We have a full slate of workshops and exhibitors scheduled.  Reverend June Boutwell will give the keynote address on the State of the Conference.  And, we will conduct our annual business meeting to adopt a budget, elect leadership and install these leaders to their respective positions. There is plenty of opportunity to fellowship and network. Want to attend? Find out how to register at secucc.org.

TAKE ACTION: Justice and Peace Action Network — March 27, 2015

TAKE ACTION: Justice and Peace Action Network

We need a better response to mental health care – Treatment not prison!

“…. When I was sick you visited me, and when I was in prison, you came to me.” Matthew 25:36

Central to the Gospel message is the theme that we encounter God in transformative ways among and in the midst of the most marginalized in our society. Despite increased societal awareness, individuals who suffer from mental illness and individuals who enter the criminal justice system remain among the most stigmatized and marginalized people in our communities.

With significant budget cuts to mental health services over the last several decades, there has been a marked increase in the number of people with mental health illnesses in jails and prisons. As Sen. Al Franken (MN-D) observes, “Right now, our criminal justice system is facing a crisis. We’re using jails and prisons as a substitute for a properly functioning mental health system”

The bipartisan Comprehensive Justice and Mental Health Act of 2015 (CJMHA) cosponsored by Sen. Franken and Sen. John Cornyn (TX-R) would expand and improve responses to individuals with mental illness in the criminal justice system. It is a common-sense measure that would address a growing and serious need in the criminal justice system.

May marks Mental Health Awareness Month. Take action by urging your members of Congress to support the bipartisan Comprehensive Justice and Mental Health Act of 2015.

Conversations: Sundays, 9:30-10:45am (Room 204) —

Conversations: Sundays, 9:30-10:45am (Room 204)

LtQ Series:Painting the Stars

This seven-session Living the Questions (LtQ) DVD series invites us to wonder about the felt sense of belonging to a sacred and evolving cosmos. Religious people need to see the evidence of science, history and cross-cultural understandings as divine communication. Scientific people need to see that what science gives us can be understood in a way that is sacred, meaningful, and holy and in a way that inspires us to life lives of integrity, justice, compassion and generosity – to live Christ-like lives. This series helps to build bridges between two worlds that have been theologically separated for too long.No advance preparation is needed. All are welcome. Questions? Contact Sally Harrell.



No youth worship over the summer. We will start back in August.

South Georgia Farmworkers Health Project with Emory University School of Medicine June 14-19

Winter Youth Retreat 2016

Next MLK Weekend (January 15-18, 2016), our youth will attend the UCC’s annual WINTER YOUTH RETREAT at the Blowing Rock Conference Center in beautiful Blowing Rock, NC. This is a packed weekend full of worship, fellowship, laughter, singing, service projects, and of course skiing! At the conference center our youth will be joined by churches from all over the Southeast and Southern Conference. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends and experience the beauty of the Appalachian mountains. We hope you will join us!

TABLE TALK: Expands to Twice a Month (for 3 months) —