To read Rev. Michael’s article on “Spiritual Formation” and other blog posts this summer, visit: http://www.whereheartandmindmeet.com

Tuesday, June 9: Atlanta Braves vs. San Diego Padres 7:00pm. Rev. Lacey has bought tickets for those who RSVP’d in the last few weeks. If you would still like to join us- please buy your own ticket and we will meet you there! We will be sitting in Terrace View 223.

Tuesdays, June 16, July 21 & Aug18: Table Talk 6:30pm to 8:30 @ the Harrisons’. Table Talk will continue to meet all summer! This “gathering” (not a “group”) consists of whoever “shows up;” sometimes we all fit around one table, often we are at two. We share a meal (there’s always plenty of food), but the open and safe discussion is what nourishes us deeply. Bring your questions and theological musings (and a dish to share, if you are able). Contact Rev. Michael for more information.

Tuesday, June 23: Introduction to Mindfulness 6:30pm to 8:00.  The simplest definition of “mindfulness” is “being present, right in this moment.” The rest is a long-term training of the heart-mind. Rev. Michael will lead a short introduction to three basic mindfulness practices: centered breathing (pranayama), centering prayer (mantra), and mindful self-observation (journaling). For more information/RSVP: Rev. Michael; $10 suggested donation (donations help to provide supplies for other activities).

Tuesday, June 30: Mindful Eye (Ikebana) 6:30pm to 8:00 While an “Ikebana master” would likely take issue with the use of the word, this workshop will bring a mindful eye to the collection and arrangement of materials into a floral/environmental display. We will take a mindfulness walk on campus, gather elements, and make our arrangement. For more information on what to bring/RSVP: Rev. Michael; $10 suggested donation (donations help to provide supplies for other activities).

Tuesday, July 7 Mindfully Still (Restorative Yoga) 6:30pm to 8:00 This meditative evening is a supported practice of stillness (not movement); no yoga experience is necessary. The sequence will be “on the floor” with blankets and bolsters; participants will be invited to “rest and release.” For more information or to RSVP: Rev. Michael; $10 suggested donation (donations help to provide supplies for other activities). Tuesday, August 14: Soap Making at Central 6:30pm-8:00 Join us for a family fun event of soap making, hosted by Bob Watson. This will be a great time to relax, learn something new, and fellowship with others. For more information or to RSVP: Rev. Michael; $10 suggested donation (donations help to provide supplies for other activities).

Tuesday, August 11 Soap Making with Bob Watson. 6:30pm- 8:00pm