Central Congregational UCC, Atlanta

Open. Progressive. Christian.

Conversations: Sundays, 9:30-10:45am (Room 204) — March 27, 2015

Conversations: Sundays, 9:30-10:45am (Room 204)

LtQ Series:Painting the Stars

This seven-session Living the Questions (LtQ) DVD series invites us to wonder about the felt sense of belonging to a sacred and evolving cosmos. Religious people need to see the evidence of science, history and cross-cultural understandings as divine communication. Scientific people need to see that what science gives us can be understood in a way that is sacred, meaningful, and holy and in a way that inspires us to life lives of integrity, justice, compassion and generosity – to live Christ-like lives. This series helps to build bridges between two worlds that have been theologically separated for too long.No advance preparation is needed. All are welcome. Questions? Contact Sally Harrell.